Portrait ~ Courtesy of Fountainhead, Miami. Photo, Cornelius Tulloch

Ep.210 For Gerald Lovell (b. 1992), painting is an act of biography. Combining flat and impressionistic painting with thick daubs of impasto, Lovell’s monumental portraits depict loving scenes o﬇en lost to the abyss of memory. Lovell’s portraits refuse the notion that all Black figures put down on canvas are somehow political. Rather, his work records a deep commitment to fostering alternative community narratives by imbuing his subjects with social agency and self determinative power, while also revealing individualistic details that lay their essential humanity bare. Born in Chicago to Puerto Rican and Black parents, Lovell began painting at the age of 22 a﬇er dropping out of the graphic design program at the University of West Georgia. He has exhibited at P·P·O·W, New York; Jeffrey Deitch, Moore Building, Miami, FL; Anthony Gallery, Chicago, IL; Kohn Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; The Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture, Charlotte, NC; MINT, Atlanta, GA; and Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich, Switzerland, among others. In 2022, Lovell’s work was on view in What is Le﬇ Unspoken, Love at the High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA, and is in the museum’s permanent collection. Lovell completed the Fountainhead Artists Residency in October 2023. His second exhibition with P·P·O·W, verde, was held in Spring 2024.

PPOW Gallery https://www.ppowgallery.com/artists/gerald-lovell#tab:thumbnails


Anthony Gallery https://anthonygallery.com/exhibition/in-the-eye-of-the-beholder/

Juxtapoz https://www.juxtapoz.com/news/painting/gerald-lovell-verde-p-p-o-w-gallery-nyc/

Culture Type https://www.culturetype.com/2024/03/02/new-york-closing-soon-5-gallery-shows-featuring-works-by-nathaniel-oliver-tuli-mekondjo-theaster-gates-richmond-barthe-christopher-udemezue-and-gerald-lovell/

The Atlantic Journal-Constitution https://www.ajc.com/things-to-do/atlanta-painter-gerald-lovell-creates-portraits-of-family-friends-black-life/2PBC7PXW65AGLAGW4EI5U3K5SE/

whitewall https://whitewall.art/art/gerald-lovells-exhibition-at-ppow-captures-all-that-he-has/

Anderson Ranch  https://www.andersonranch.org/people/gerald-lovell/

Artrabbit  https://www.artrabbit.com/events/gerald-lovell-verde-ppow-390-broadway

Black Art and Design https://www.blackartanddesign.com/artists/gerald-lovell-artist-overview/

The Galllery | Wish https://www.wishatlgallery.com/gerald-lovell

Office Magazine https://officemagazine.net/gerald-lovell-finds-beauty-mundane

Art in NYC https://artinnewyorkcity.com/2021/01/23/all-that-i-have-paintings-by-gerald-lovell-at-p-p-o-w/

Matt, Sean (a day at Herbert Von King park)
72 x 60 inches each

Michel’le at Wayla
72 x 60 inches

17 Points-I Believe I Can Fly

Self Portrait
oil on wood